
Endoscopy in Anterior Segment Surgery


Suture Dislocated IOL Haptics in Sulcus Under Endoscopic View

• Locate and Remove Nuclear or Cortical Remnants Under Iris

• Evaluate Capsular Zonular Complex Integrity

• Confirm Optimal IOL Haptic Placement in Bag or Sulcus

• Combined Cataract/Glaucoma Surgery - Phaco/ECP

• Endoscopic Phaco & IOL Implantation on pre-PK Patients

• Observe Placement of Lameller Graft in DSEK/DSAEK

• Observe Fibrosis Over IOL Haptics Prior to Explantation

• Observe Placement and Patency of Postior Iris Tubes 

Dr. Durval Carvalho, Jr. - Overview of Endoscopy in Cataract Surgery
Dr. Durval M. Carvalho, Jr, of CBV - Brasília's excellent video offers an overview of indications for Endoscopy in modern cataract surgery, from diagnostic imaging of the peripheral lens, and irido-ciliary complex, through endoscopic fixation of dislocated IOLs, to combined Phaco/ECP for glaucoma management.

Please click the image at above left to view this informative well produced video. 

  1. Boris Malyugin, MD, PhD - Endoscopic Guided Fixation of Dislocated IOL

    In the video below, Boris MalyuginMD, PhD, Chief of the Department of Cataract and Implant Surgery and Deputy Director General at the S. Fyodorov Eye Microsurgery Complex in Moscow, Russia explains his technique of suturing dislocated IOLs into the sulcus under direct endoscopic view.
Boris Malyugin, MD, PhD is Chief of the Department of Cataract and Implant Surgery and Deputy Director General at the S. Fyodorov Eye Microsurgery Complex ...


Prof. Khalid Al Sabti, MD, PhD -
Endoscopic Phacoemulsicifaction IOL Implantation

In the video below for the British Journal of Ophthalmology, Prof. Khalid Al SabtiMD, PhD, of Kuwait University Hospital, Department of Ophthalmology, performs phacoemulsification and IOL implantation under direct endoscopic view in a patient with an opaque cornea.

Brian Francis, MD, PhD - Endoscopic Secondary Sulcus PCIOL Procedure

Dr. Brian Francis of the Doheny Eye Institute presents a video of an aphakic patient with partial capsule support undergoing an endoscopic secondary sulcus PCIOL procedure.